Puppy and beginner Graduates

West Lakeland Dog Training Club runs 6 week foundation courses at Egremont for puppies or beginner dogs.

Last week marked ‘graduation’ with all the dogs and handlers passing their foundation award with the club. The owners should all be very proud of how far they’ve come, it’s been a pleasure to watch them progress and we hope they will all be joining us in follow on classes.

Here are Charlie, Pippa, Lola, Holly, Pearl, Ruby and Izzy! (Who I’ve just realised are all girls! Way to go girls!) They are a nice variety of breeds too.

The graduates
The graduates

As well as valuable life skills like socialisation and learning to concentrate in a distracting environment the puppies learn things like; paying attention to their owner…

Play, and when to stop playing.

Letting their owner and others check them over.


Sits, downs, waits, food manners, loose lead walking and RECALLS!


Phew, tiring work!

Well done puppies! (and pawrents!)

Pearl and Charlie with close ups of their new ribbons. (the first of many I’m sure!)

The foundation classes are taught by Lisa Tyson, please contact her at lisa@westlakelanddogtrainingclub.com for information about the next classes.