A sunny late afternoon in Wasdale was a good chance to do some off-line (bloodhound style) tracking with Cleo. I decided where the end of the track was going to be and left a kong and some food there, then walked it backwards, over the crag, though the bracken and through the bog to what would be the start. This took me about fifteen minutes to do. I got Cleo out of the car and took her to the start. All I had to do then was release her. She tore off across the bog, then disappeared round the back of the crag. She was out of sight for what seemed ages and I was beginning to wonder where she had got to, when she appeared over the top of the crag, in just the right place, and came tearing down through the bracken to find the kong and the food. Spot on! That had taken her just five minutes.
The usual Working Trial way of tracking, on a long line, gives some control over where the dog can go and enables the handler to help the dog when it goes off track. I find that difficult with Cleo because she is so enthusiastic and pulls so hard on the line that I fear for my prosthetic hip. Off-line I have no control, but fortunately she understands the game and knows what to do, all at high speed with nothing but footmarks to follow. Trail-hounds with an aniseed scent to follow have it easier.